Forever For Now | LP |

Forever For Now

Testo Forever For Now

Hush, hush
Don‘t say a word
The faint cries can hardly be heard
A storm lies beyond the horizon, barely
Don‘t stop
Sweep through the days
Like children that can‘t stay awake
Stay here untainted and say...

Stay while the melody‘s sung
Break like a wave on the run
I do be sure I can‘t say anymore
I just know that it won‘t last forever

Rush, rush
Take me away
Like hourglass sand that never escapes
Stars are born and then die, but carefree
A small clock that ticks without time
And watched by an ocean of eyes
Ending, ascending and then...

Stay while the melody‘s sung
Break like a wave on the run
I do be sure I can‘t say anymore
I just know that it won‘t last forever
I just know that it won‘t last forever...

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